The S'ore HP Alumni founded in Feb 02, targets to recruit 1,000 members. Its main geographical coverage will be Singapore. It will also work closely with other HP Alumni round the globe for the benefits of its members. Welcome! You are visitor no. Cell Phone

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Round-up for 16th October 2006

Are You Affected By The Haze Recently??? :-)

With the end of the haze situation no where in sight, many Singaporeans must be feeling helpless when the PSI reading starts to ascend. It is interesting to note some of the Indonesian Ministers' comments that "Indonesia's neighbours should be thankful for oxygen on good days rather than complain about bad ones": an interesting line of argument. Following this logic or "illogic", it would be fine to give people adulterated water once a while, if we have been giving them water!!!!! What do you think? Nearer to home, what would you do when the PSI shoots up? It would be interesting to hear your views and comments. We are updated on the PSI reading on the TV screen regularly. One webpage that shows the hourly PSI readings is the NEA website. (click here to view) I check it regularly and if the PSI gets really bad, I close all the windows and doors and stay indoors. What about you? What do you do; like to share with fellow members? :-)

World Time Server
For anyone dealing with different time zones; executives, businessmen, students, parents, this website is a "must-know". It provides correct and current time in any world time zone, country or major city. Accurate adjustments for Daylight Saving Time ( or Summer Time ) are made according to each location's rules and laws. No matter what time zone a country or city is located in, this is your top choice for a clock resource site.
To add to your convenience, it also has a time converter, a meeting planner, weather forecast for all the countries, etc, etc. Like to find out more??? :-)

By Oh Young-jin Staff Reporter SK Telecom Vice Chairman Cho Jung-nam If Jack Welch were a top Korean business executive, he would define business like SK Telecom Vice Chairman Cho Jung-nam does. As Welch says, ``This isn't rocket science. Business is very simple. People who try to make it complex get themselves all wound around,'' so does the 66-year-old Korean business stalwart. The only difference is Cho sums it up with a slightly different twist spiced up with his southern twang. ....Read more...

Banker joke - Time for a laugh One night at an economy motel, a banker ordered a 6 a.m. wake-up call. The next morning, he awoke before 6, but the phone did not ring until 6:30. "Good morning," a young man said sheepishly. "This is your wake-up call." Annoyed, the banker let the motel worker have it. "You were supposed to call me at 6 AM! He complained, "What if I had a million dollar deal to close this morning, and your oversight made me miss out?" "Well, sir," the desk clerk boldly replied, "if you had a million dollar deal to close, you'd probably not be staying at THIS motel!"

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