The S'ore HP Alumni founded in Feb 02, targets to recruit 1,000 members. Its main geographical coverage will be Singapore. It will also work closely with other HP Alumni round the globe for the benefits of its members. Welcome! You are visitor no. Cell Phone

Saturday, October 14, 2006

17th October 2006

Anyone Game For A Game Of Suduko
Suduko is an unique number game that gained popularity in Japan. The goal of the puzzle is to enter a number from 1 through 9 in each cell of a grid, normally a 9×9 grid made up of 3×3 regions ("subgrids"), starting with various numbers given in some cells (the "givens"). Each column, row, and region must contain one and only one instance of each number.
Listed below are 2 suduko websites where you can try out the puzzles online: So are you game for a game of Suduko. It tests your reasoning skill and your patience. Try the Suduko game below. For your information, the below is an easy puzzle. :-)
PS: Cannot solve it? Splitting your hair? Need the answer? Message me. :-)

Euro 2008 : England Goalkeeper's Freak Error

You may have known by now; England lost 0-2 to Croatia and the 2nd goal was really a fluke. The England goalkeeper attempted a clearance but the ball jumped over his foot and into the net, and gave Slaven Bilic's team a two-goal advantage they never looked likely to lose. In case, you have not seen this goal, I found it on Click here if you are keen to see it. Enjoy. :-) Do you think the goalkeeper is at fault for this goal? What are your comments? Share your views with our fellow members.

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