The S'ore HP Alumni founded in Feb 02, targets to recruit 1,000 members. Its main geographical coverage will be Singapore. It will also work closely with other HP Alumni round the globe for the benefits of its members. Welcome! You are visitor no. Cell Phone

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Round-up for 15th October 2006

See What Was Discovered About Our Chairman, KBH and Our President, WNL on the internet!!! I did something unusual this morning: search "Koh Boon Hwee" and "Wong Ngit Liong" using my favourite search engine. Guess what came out of the search. It was amazing! Co-incidentally, both searches came up with 68 documents. The information was even more intriguing. Click below and find out for yourself. ....Read more.... Forbes Article on WNL... Koh Boon Hwee shares insights from his experience.... Useful Websites That You Will Treasure We will list useful websites regularly here. These websites are like treasures and I use it regularly, for work, for leisure and for getting me out of problems. To give you an insight of what is planned for you; future useful websites will include the world time server telling you the time of the world real time, online dictionary, magazines of the world, database of photographs and pictures, reverse dictionary, golf, soccer, tennis, business, economy outlook, jokes, cartoons, networking, etc, etc.....Do visit OUR BLOG regularly. :-) :-) Useful Website No. 1: Newspapers of the World This is an interesting website listing practically all the newspapers in the world. It is systematically grouped by region and this makes finding the newspapers a breeze. For international businessmen who need to be updated of happenings in any country, this website is a must. When I clicked on Singapore, the result was amazing. You should see it for yourself to find out. ...Read more....
What a cracker of a joke!!! Ha ha ha
...Carjacking Foiled...
An elderly lady did her shopping and upon return found 4 males in her car. She dropped her shopping bags and drew her handgun, proceeding to scream at them at the top of her voice that she knows how to use it and that she will if required.... so get out of the car.
The 4 men didn't wait around for a second invitation but got out and ran like mad, where upon the lady proceeded to load her shopping bags into the back of the car and got into the drivers seat. Small problem ,her key wouldn't fit the ignition. Her car was identical and parked four-five spaces further down. She loaded her bags into her car and drove to the police station.
The sergeant that she told the story to nearly tore himself in two with laughter and pointed to the other end of the counter where 4 pale white males were reporting a car-jacking by a mad elderly white charges were filed.

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