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Friday, October 27, 2006

Intelligence Test - Can You Solve Them?

Below are 33 Cryptics. The first one has been done. Can you figure out the balance 33? If you can figure out 19 or more, you are a genius. Ranking: 19 or more ---- Genius 12 to 18 -------Intelligent 6 to 11 --------Somewhat intelligent 1 to 5 ---------Average If you cannot figure out, do not worry. The answers will be published next week. Good luck. Stan No.-----Cryptic ----------------------------Answer 0)------24 H in a D ------------------------24 hours in a day 1)------26 L of the A-----------------------____________________ 2)------7 D of the W------------------------____________________ 3)------7 W of the W------------------------____________________ 4)------12 S of the Z-----------------------____________________ 5)------66 B of the B-----------------------____________________ 6)------52 C in a P (WJs)-------------------____________________ 7)------13 S in the USF---------------------____________________ 8)------18 H on a G C-----------------------____________________ 9)------39 B of the O T---------------------____________________ 10)------5 T on a F-------------------------____________________ 11)------90 D in a R A----------------------____________________ 12)------3 B M (S H T R)--------------------____________________ 13)------32 is the T in D F at which W F--____________________ 14)------15 P in a R T ---------------------____________________ 15)------3 W on a T-------------------------____________________ 16)------100 C in a R-----------------------____________________ 17)------11 P in a F (S) T------------------____________________ 18)------12 M in a Y------------------------____________________ 19)------13 is UFS--------------------------____________________ 20)------8 T on a O-------------------------____________________ 21)------29 D in F in a L Y-----------------____________________ 22)------27 B in the N T--------------------____________________ 23)------365 D in a Y-----------------------____________________ 24)------13 L in a B D----------------------____________________ 25)------52 W in a Y------------------------____________________ 26)------9 L of a C-------------------------____________________ 27)------60 M in a H------------------------____________________ 28)------23 P of C in the H B---------------____________________ 29)------64 S on a C B ---------------------____________________ 30)------9 P in S A-------------------------____________________ 31)------6 B to an O in C-------------------____________________ 32)------1000 Y in a M----------------------____________________ 33)------15 M on a D M C--------------------____________________ Cheers, Stan View Stanley Tan ('s profile on LinkedIn

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