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Saturday, October 28, 2006

Do You Think The US Torture Prisoners?

Recently, the US Vice President Dick Cheney allegedly embraced the suggestion that a "dunk in water" might be useful to get terrorist suspects to talk. Human Rights Watch said Cheney's remarks were "the Bush administration's first clear endorsement" of water boarding. The US President then claimed that the US does not torture prisoners. Read the report below and have your say. What do you think? Do You Think The US Torture Prisoners? Bush: U.S. Doesn't Torture Prisoners Oct 28 3:03 AM US/Eastern By TERENCE HUNT AP White House Correspondent WASHINGTON President Bush said Friday the United States does not torture prisoners, trying to calm a controversy created when Vice President Dick Cheney embraced the suggestion that a "dunk in water" might be useful to get terrorist suspects to talk. ...Read more.... Cheers, Stan View Stanley Tan ('s profile on LinkedIn

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