The S'ore HP Alumni founded in Feb 02, targets to recruit 1,000 members. Its main geographical coverage will be Singapore. It will also work closely with other HP Alumni round the globe for the benefits of its members. Welcome! You are visitor no. Cell Phone

Friday, October 27, 2006

Can We Turn Back the Rising Tide of Incompetence?

Can We Turn Back the Rising Tide of Incompetence? This is an interesting article by The Conference Board, discussing Incompetency in the work place: What is incompetence; What cause incompetence; What is the Peter principle; Are employees more incompetence now than before? The article discusses the following: -Incompetence, Defined -Do They Know They're Incompetent? -You Can't Just Fire Everyone The Conference Board Press Release / News Can We Turn Back the Rising Tide of Incompetence? Oct. 4, 2006 In almost any division, department, or office, there's a weak link — someone whom everyone has to work around, someone who makes everyone's life a little more difficult, someone who holds back the rest of the group. It's a simple fact: Not everyone can do the job. It's been thirty-six years since Laurence J. Peter introduced the Peter Principle: "In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence." That is, workers keep getting promoted until their new job demands more than they can give, and then they stay in that job pretty much forever. ...Read more....

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