The S'ore HP Alumni founded in Feb 02, targets to recruit 1,000 members. Its main geographical coverage will be Singapore. It will also work closely with other HP Alumni round the globe for the benefits of its members. Welcome! You are visitor no. Cell Phone

Sunday, November 05, 2006

What An Enjoyable Fabulous Gala Dinner - Hope All Had A Great Time!

Our Alumni just had our annual Gala Dinner last Friday in the Raffles Town Club Ballroom. It was a fabulous evening with many corporate guests (the corporate sponsors), ex-HP employees and their invited guests. There were endless "hi", "how are you", "long time no see", etc, when old friends met, presumably after a long time. Groups formed and started to chit-chat joyously and enthusiastically. Loud laughters were heard from some groups that appeared to be having a great time and enjoying themselves. Others were moving around, looking for old friends to catch up with the old times. Our Chairman, KBH and our President, WNL were also busy attending to the VIP guests, as well as mingling with the guests, shaking hands and exchanging niceties. HJK and KET were also seen busy, ensuring that things ran smoothly. The food and entertainment were first-class. There was a 8 course dinner and entertainment by a 5-member Shanghainese ladies. Everyone appeared to enjoy themselves. As usual, there was also a best dressed Female and best dressed Male (according to the theme for the night: "One Night in Shanghai".) Then there was the lucky draw where lucky dinners got to win wonderful prizes. Finally, it was time to say good-bye. Friends shook hands and slowly drifted out of the ballroom. "Do keep in touch and hope to see you again", could be heard over and over again. Hopefully, all had a great time and will be back again next year. (I forgot my camera and was not able to take any pictures. If anyone has some pictures and like to share with members, please email them to me. I will post them here and into our SHPA Yahoo Group site.) Did you have a great time? What do you enjoy most? Have your say. cheers, Stan

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